
Sunday 7 August 2011

Sex education – knowledge is the best ammunition

Sex education in schools is in my opinion, currently insufficient. There is a deep rooted embarrassment that is yet to be overcome by both teachers and students. Unfortunately there is the misconception that ‘kids learn all about it from television’, which really isn’t the case. You can’t learn everything from the graffiti on the bathroom wall. I think that teachers, and not to pick on my old friends again but especially those in religious schools, are afraid to approach the topic. They fill us in on the basic biological facts, which quite simply fall short. They manage to avoid issues like love, the emotional implications of a physical relationship or even just, God forbid, ‘natural teenage urges’. They prefer to ignore human characteristics that in years gone by have been considered a source of shame and secrecy, only discussing the technical details. As a result of misinformation teenagers are going out acting stupidly, without thinking their actions through and they are not armed with enough information to keep themselves safe. Teens need to be taught that sex is a normal function of life, not just something that generations before us are ashamed of, therefore teens too must approach with fear. They also need to know all the details so they can make informed choices without been taken by surprise. Though ignorance may be bliss in some cases, in today’s society young people need to be informed of what’s going on, especially with something as basic and essential as physical and emotional relationships with other humans. It’s not the 1900s anymore. Sexual content is in every part of our environment. In the media, films and books, our homes and our social lives. It’s a fundamental part of human nature. We are already all exposed in some shape or form. It’s time for the embarrassment and stigma to be let go of in schools, so that our youth can be properly informed about something that can affect our every day lives.

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